Thursday night- I get home from work and immediately Jason tells me we have to get ready to go. I have no idea what we are doing. So, I end up asking Jason about attire for the night, and eventually the conversation ends up like this:
Me: so, I don't have to look cute?
Jason: you always look cute
...and gentlemen, that is your lesson for the week.
In all seriousness, last week was a little rough for me. I had been busy at work, was moody, cranky, tired and overall unpleasant...and of course, poor Jason has to put up with me. This was one of those weeks where I was feeling a little worn out and exhausted, and it ended up reflecting in my attitude. Really, I just wanted to crawl into a ball on the couch and spend the evening with my friend Netflix.
I am so lucky because Jason has an abundance of love for me. I knew doing this weekly dating thing would be challenging, I just didn't realize how quickly that would happen. I'm not sure how to explain it, but during this date I caught myself thinking about other things going on rather than being present in the moment with my husband. It was awful, because that is not what I want in my marriage.
Anyway, it took me a few minutes, but once we got dinner (taco truck for the win) and got to our destination, I started to feel a bit more enthused. Then, Jason revealed the evening activity - photo scavenger hunt on Western's campus. And it was awesome. Don't worry, you will get to see our list in a minute, but first I must give you the highlights:
- running around campus taking photos was fun. It's that simple.
- we reminisced about things from our university days. It's almost been 5 years since I have had any class at WWU, and that's weird. Where did the time go?
- we actually searched for books in the library, and had an amazing time exploring and discovering biblical literature. We found what we are looking for and got cozy on the library floor and pointed out passages and interesting books to one another. We did not get a photo of that time, but it was special, intimate, and very memorable. I needed this.
I really adore my husband and loved spending time being goofy, wandering around campus enjoying each other's company. I don't think I was terribly rude or anything, but once I allowed myself to set aside the other things on my mind, my attitude completely changed. Sadly, that tends to be more difficult than it should be....and I know that it helped me to have more fun!
Anyways, we had a list of 25 tasks, some of which included finding:
-a book about cats
-the largest classroom
-the smallest classroom
-a science lab
-the campus quad
-ride a shopping cart
-goofy writing on a white/chalk board
-man/bear sculpture
-art building
-garbage building (?)
-walk through a skybridge,etc.
Without boring you further, I will give you some of our scavenger photos:
Total Cost:
-Taco Truck - $12.00